Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Lately I find myself torn. Livy is going through a phase where she wants to be with me at all times. Actually not just with me but on me. She is constatnly wrapped around my leg if i'm standing and drapped over me if i'm sitting. No matter where we go or what we are doing she is glued to me. Part of me wants to hold on tight and never let go (she is my last baby after all) but then the other part of me just gets so frustrated and just wants to have a few minutes to myself. Some times I find myself telling her to just go play or just leave me alone for a few minutes and then I feel so guilty because I know in only a few short years i'll be begging her to hold my hand. So i'm torn...She is almost 2 1/2. A "big girl" in so many ways and yet little in many ways too. She is so different then Nadia. nadia has always been so out going and really could care less if i'm around or not (except for the 1st 19 months of her life when she's scream if anyone else held her). Olivia is so much more shy and timid. She feels safe with me and the love just pours out of her when she looks in my eyes. So I'm I hold her and hug her and snuggle her all the time or is it time that I start trying to get her more comfortable on her own?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

new pictures of the girls

I still haven't figured out the art of posting pictures and then writing beside them. For some reason my pictures post all over the place.

Most of these pictures were taken the day we decorated our tree.

This picture shows a portion of the lights we have on the outside of our house this year.

the ones of us all outside are from the night of the santa cluase parade.

Monday, December 04, 2006

nadia's picture with santa

My "little girl" is sure growing up! She is really starting to look so big!

Not really much new to write about (sorry Roni, guess my life's just not that interesting). We got a crap load of snow today and i'm feeling a little blah. Not sure if the 2 are related or not. I think it's just one of those days. We all have them I'm sure.

I'm going to be pretty busy over the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow is Nadia very 1st dance retail (and yes i'll have lots of pics!!!), Thursday night is our family Christmas potluck at the family resource center, Friday night is the management staff party for Rob's work (if we can find a sitter), Sunday Nadia has a birthday party to attend, Monday is my board of directors Christmas meal, Tuesday is a cookie exchange, and then that saturday is another Christmas party!!! Wow! I think i'm going to be pretty tired by the time Christmas is over with.