Thursday, September 27, 2007

sisters at war

Are my 2 girls the only 2 that seem to fight all the time? Really it is more Nadia at fault then Liv. Liv just wants to be with Nadia and be loved and accepted by her but lately Nadia has been downright nasty to her little sister and it is really making me sad. I keep telling her that she will only ever have1 sister and that she will be her sister for life but nothing I say seems to work. She has her good moments but it's usually only when it's convenient for her, but most of the time she is awful to her. Any advice?

At days end tomorrow I will have finished my1st week looking after my nephew. He is 10 months old and a lot of work. I'm very much out of practice having a baby in the house. I'll keep you updated on how this new experience goes for me.

Well Jude, it appears you may well be the only one left reading my blog but I will keep updating. As for me enjoying my extra time. I don't forsee any extra time in the near future with my nephew here everyday, but I do try to sneek in some time to read a good book every now and then.

Until next time,

Thursday, September 20, 2007

positive thinking

so i've been done work for a few days now and i'm doing ok. I know I will miss it and for awhile I could think about was how terrible my fall and winter are going to be. I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking really negativly. I've decided to change my thinking. I really belive that the more positive your outlook the more positive things will happen. I plan to keep myself as busy as possible because I not one of those people who are content to just sit home all day. I find the day just drags on if I do. I'll keep you posted on how i'm doing.

Nadia started grade 1 this year and she is in the French immersion program. I can't get over how quickly she is learning!!! She has already had words for homework that I can't even pronounce!!! I'm not sure how i'll be able to help her as it gets even harder. She had a pretty tough time when I dropped her off on her 1st day. We had only been at this school for 2 months last year and she didn't see any of her friends over the summer so she was really nervous. I was glad when the teacher called me aftershool to say how well she did. Tonight is the offical meet the teacher night so i'm really hoping to hear that she is still doing well.

Anyway, I guess that's all for now. I'll try to write more often now that the summer is over...not that I have all that many readers....for those of you that do check in please leave a comment so I know i'm not writing to thin air :)