Monday, February 26, 2007

try this

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I've been trying to post for some time now but blogger wasn't working for me. here is the long awaited update!

We pur our house on the market on a Monday evening and by Tuesday there was an offer in on it which we countered and the following day our house was sold! There was never even a sign in front. Everything happened so fast and so smoothly that it just really feels meant to be.

We decided on a smaller more affordable house then the few i showed you all. One of those 3 that we *really* liked sold before we even got to see it. our agent still took us to look at it and told us that the poeple who built it build a house a year to sell. My brother and his wife actually bought one from them a year ago. So now we have a new game plan. The house we are buying we plan to live in for 2 years and then buy a house from these people. Originally we were planning to buy a home that we would stay in the for rest our lives. Instead we got a smaller more affordable home and we will work on paying down some debt over the next 2 years and then buy what will be our dream home.

The house we are currently buying is a bungalow with a most finished basement. We plan to finish the remainder of the basement so we have an office and a playroom. I'm excited about this move but packing sure is a big job!!!!

Thanks for checking in!

Monday, February 05, 2007


Who knew there would be so much work involved in selling a house. I feel like all i've done over the past 2 days is clean and box things up!!! What sucks is that I've hardly made a dent in all the stuff.

We met with our agent tonight and she thinks she has someone who might want to buy outhouse right away. We should know in the next couple of days. I won't go into detail here but it sounds very promising. Also we have a conditional offer in on a house for us in to move to so if all the dominos fall in the right order things would be perfect! However, I'm not counting on that happening.

This will be our 1st move since having children. Rob and I moved in together in this home almost 6 years ago and this is where we've stayed. Moving isn't easy!!!! I can't imagine having a job where you have to be relocated all the time.

Wish us luck!!! Andfor any of you that are pros at moving and packing I'd love to hear some tips.