Monday, February 05, 2007


Who knew there would be so much work involved in selling a house. I feel like all i've done over the past 2 days is clean and box things up!!! What sucks is that I've hardly made a dent in all the stuff.

We met with our agent tonight and she thinks she has someone who might want to buy outhouse right away. We should know in the next couple of days. I won't go into detail here but it sounds very promising. Also we have a conditional offer in on a house for us in to move to so if all the dominos fall in the right order things would be perfect! However, I'm not counting on that happening.

This will be our 1st move since having children. Rob and I moved in together in this home almost 6 years ago and this is where we've stayed. Moving isn't easy!!!! I can't imagine having a job where you have to be relocated all the time.

Wish us luck!!! Andfor any of you that are pros at moving and packing I'd love to hear some tips.


jude said...

oh the joys! LOL I know the feeling, i'm still in the process of declutering myself! It is a BIG job. Wow that it all could happen so quickly for you, that would be so great!!! GL with it all. Moving is a lot of work, esp with children!

Steve & Gillian said...

So - did you pick yet? If not, I like the 19 year old house best. Plus, with kids an attached garage is always better - or so I'm told. Anyway, I am excited to hear! I dream of buying a house and often look too. Steve doesn't share my 'just looking' kicks but is often the recipient of e-mails starting with "Ohhhh, this would be perfect" and the like. Oh well. One can dream.

jude said...

How's it going Tracy? Update us please. :) Did you get your house on mls yet? Have found any others that you like? How's the declutering going?

Tracy said...

I'm trying to post a new update but Blogger hasn't been letting me.....

Anonymous said...

blogger sucks, it blocked me for weeks, i couldn't update forever.