Sunday, April 01, 2007


Well, it seems my blog is working now....i'm really not sure what was wrong or why it all of a sudden is working, and of coarse, now that it is, I don't even feel like I really have any thing of intrest to write about.

The closing date for our new home is April 11 and I can't wait! I am so sick of having boxes every where. We starting packing early so that the house would be decultterd for showings and then we didn't end up having to show it. We decided it would still be smart to pack what we could so we have had boxes every where for the past month and it's driving me crazy!!! I just can't wait to get settled in to the new house. I return to work April 21 so unpacking will need to happen quickly.

Nadia will start at her new school April16 and i'm soooo nervous for her. She is such an outgoing little girl and she makes friends so easy but I hate that i'm making her start over. I'm sure i'm more sad about it then she is. I took her to meet her classmates last week and she did fine. At first she was clinging to my legs (so out of character for her) and she never did want me to leave but in the end she wanted to go back to that school and not her current one.

On to a completly different topic. I LOVE FACEBOOK! if you haven't checked it out yet you really need to. I'm warning you that it's very addictive! I've gotten in contact with so many of my friends from highschool and college. It's great!

Well, It's getting late and I have a good book waiting for me in bed....hopefully my blog won't give me any more problems and I can keep you all updated with our move. I'll try to have some pictures to post soon too.

1 comment:

jude said...

So good to see a post from you! I have been missing your updates! GL with your move. I know it is stressfull and exciting at the same time. It will be nice for you to get settled in in a new house. Please post some pics when you are settled. I'd love to see it.

I'm sure Nadia will do great at her new school!

D just signed up to Facebook a couple of days ago, he is ALREADY addicted! LOL I was going to sign up too as soon as I get a chance, so send me an invitation!! :)