Sunday, April 08, 2007

Overwhelmed and exhusted

Rob got devestating news last night. his dad is dying. They took him in for an emergcy surgery yesterday evening and found that he has bowel cancer and there is nothing they can do but make him comfortable. His dad was still really dopey from being put under when they left at 10:00pm last night so they went back to do to give him the news. Actually by now i'm sure they've told him. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to tell my father that he is going to die and that he most likly will never be outside of the hospital again.

So Rob has been at the hospital a lot this week. Thursday they tried a procedure to help his dad and it took 9 hours, Friday we all went to visit and yesterday was the surgery where they found the cancer. We move on Wednesday.....i don't know how we will be ready. I'm trying to get it done....but i'm so tired. We probably have 75% of our stuff packed and I paked 65% of that all by myself. I'm beat! But when I start to feel sorry myself I think of how Rob is feeling....He is overwhelmed too...this was his weekend to pack and now this happens. He says he is going to stay up all night tonight and pack, but I hate to see him do that.

anyway, this is really just another vent from me. Please be thinking of Rob's family.


Arbitrarily Predictable said...

You guys are in my prayers. Peace be with you.

jude said...

I'm so sorry to hear abour Rob's dad. ((hugs)) to you Tracy, you must be so exausted from all that packing. You guys will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

wow tracy. I am sorry to hear of all this sorrow and chaos. You are definatly in my prayers. As is rob your father in law and family. I wish i could help. I just moved and packing by yourself is so hard...I KNOW! We have been here for a week and a half now and we are only half unpacked. What a process. I love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers.