Wednesday, April 18, 2007

so glad that is done with

Well, we are all moved in. However, I don't think our move will ever be thought of with happy thoughts as the loss of Rob's dad will always be associated with that time. Rob's dad passed away the night before we moved. Nadia was devestated! This has been the hardest thing for me to deal with as a mom yet. She was so upset. Violently shaking and sobing and crying out for her Grampy. It broke my heart to see her in such pain. Rob's dad was 83 but he wasn't the kind of man who wanted his grandkids to be seen and not heard. He had tea parties with them every visit. he held them on his knee and listened to them talk about their day. He hugged them every chance he got and always told them how much he loved them. When he was in the hospital his room was filled with pictures they drew and colored for him. he showed every nurse, every doctor, every visiter. When he found out he was going to die and they transfered him to a private room, those pictures were all he cared about. We took the girls to visit him on Monday and we held them both up because he couldn't sit up. He reached out his hand to touch them and i'll never forget the look in his eyes. The look of knowledge that this would be the last time he got to see them. He loved my girls and they loved him. Nadia asked me how she would remember him because she's afraid she will forget. I told her we have to talk about him every day and look at his pictures and that would keep his memory alive in our heart forever.

So needless to say, i'm glad that the move is over and that the past month is behind us. Nadia has started at her new school and is doing well. She is making new friends and really likes her teacher. i start back to work on Saturday. It sure is a lot of changes for my girls.


Anonymous said...

oh tracy this post brought me to tears. I can't even imagine how you dealt with that or how you are/were feeling. I am so sorry to hear of this loss. I know how close rob was to his father. How is rob doing? I am praying for you and your family and if i can help in any way please let me know. I love you and wish i could be closer to you at this time. You are such a good mother and i am so proud of you.

jude said...

This brought tears to my eyes as well. Bless Nadia and Olivia. It must be so hard at such a young age to lose someone so close. It would break my heart as well. I'm sorry for the loss of Rob's Dad. If there is anything I can do please let me know. I'm thinking and praying for you guys. I hope you are getting settled in to your new house. I hope your girls adjust well to all the changes.