Monday, August 20, 2007

Is it fall already?

I can't believe that the summer is almost over. It seems like only yesterday i was getting ready to go back to work and now i'm getting ready to be done. September 16th is my last day and i'm actually very sad about it. I *really* love my job, but it's not just the job, it's how i feel when i'm working there. I'm not just Nadia and Olivia's mom when I'm there. I'm Tracy. I feel valued and confident when i'm there. I know that I do a great job there and the family that runs the campground put their trust in me. Also I truly enjoy the company of the people I work with. in the winter, I go back to being just a mom, and while i do agree that being a mom is the hardest and most important job in the world it is not always the most fullfilling job.

Now to totally change the subject...did any of you give something up when you became a mother? Was there something you used to do that you really enjoyed that now you don't have time for? For me it would be writing poetry. I have books filled with my poems and i haven't written one now in almost 10 years. How do you feel about what you gave up? Do you miss it? Do you think it's possible to do it again? This is where my heards been lately...hope to hear some responses.

1 comment:

jude said...

It always goes by fast, esp when you only get about 2 solid weeks of hot weather! LOL

I'm glad you love your job, and enjoy the summer there. You are not just a MOM, we know it is the most important job in the world and the hardest! At the same time, we can't get lost in just that role, we are so much more. Find something that you really enjoy and take it up. It can be scrapbooking, reading, writing poetry ;), going out for a coffee with a friend (this one is important!) I'll settle for an email over a morning cup of coffee. LOL You need to take the time for yourself Tracy, and that is not being selfish, we need to that part of ourselves that tends to get lost at times. I found myself wishing I had of enjoyed my single days a bit more. You know when you could get out of the house on a moments notice. It takes me an hour and even then I always forget something.

I still have my old motorcycle a Yahama Virago sitting out in the garage. At times I've thought of selling it, but part of me keeps it becouse I long to get on it once again. So I do. It makes me happy just seeing it sit there. I haven't been on since lexi was Cain's age. I will again, I know I will. I've gained so much more tho... I would trade a day riding my bike for those baby slobber kisses anyday! I guess what helps is knowing this too will pass. There will come a day they will leave home and I will have all the time in the world to do whatever my heart desires. I'm sure tho, I will miss these days now.

In the meantime, pick up your poetry book or a good book, and find something that makes you happy. It makes all the difference!

Oh, and join me in my Bless this house! (i'm going to post this on my blogg) it's been working fab and you'll have way more time for youself and your girls!

Love and hugs