I am writing this more for myself then for anyone else, which is probably a good think since i don't have many people reading my blog. I need to get a few things from my mind down on paper so to speak.
A little back story....i stayed home with Nadia until she was almost 4 at which time I started working at the Pinecone Campground in the office there. Because it is a campground i only work 5 months of the year leaving the other 7 to be home with the girls. the 5 months of the year that I do work, i work every other weekend and my shifts are 10 hours long and of late this has caused a problem for Rob. He really dislikes me working every other weekend as he feels we really don't get any family time in the summer. I'm summerizing here because i know there is more then just that to his complaint. Moving forward a bit.....i really enjoy working. I love when I am able to fix a problem and when people know that it's from something I did that made their life easier. I love the apprciation i get from the customers I serve and from the people i work for. I feel valued here in a way that I don't at home. Now, wait just a moment, i'm not saying that I don't feel valued at home because I do, but it's in a completely different way. I'm sure I don't have to explain that.
Now here's where the crossroads comes into play. Over the winter while I was off I started thinking about what it would be like when the time comes that I go back to work full time year round. When i would, where i would, if i would, etc, etc. I have thought that because of how much I enjoy my job that I would like to work in the hotel industry preferably at a front desk. So, on Saturday while Driving to Moncton i drove by the new Hampton Inn that is bebing constructed on Mapleton Dr and see a big sign that says "now hiring". I've not been able to think of anything else since then. I've gone online and looked at the job add. I've even updated my resume, but here's the thing. Next year is Livy's last year before going to school. Do I really want to go back to work full time at this time in her life or do I want to hold off one more year. By waiting, the job will no longer be there but that's not to say a new one won't exsit. It will also mean that I only have to pay for after school child care which will really help us out.
After going back and reading over everything i have written so far, it really seems that the best thing to do is wait. There will be other jobs, right?
So, for anyone who is reading this how would you go about telling your current employer that you only plan to work 1 more year here. Keep in mind that I love my boss and not only think of him as a boss but as a friend and I know that the idea of me leaving will really take him off gaurd. He has plans for me to be here for years to come, but i'm just not sure it's enough for me anymore.
any thoughts?
A 30 something mom trying to do the best I can to take care of myself and my family
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Nadia lost her 1st tooth
My 6 year old little girl finally lost her 1st tooth. she has been waiting and waiting, wondering when it would finally be her turn to get a visit from the tooth fairy. In kindergarten many of her little friends had lost teeth but not Nadia. Then this year just before Christmas she got her 1st wiggelly tooth. I never thought it would take this long to come out but just last night it finally fell out in her mouth while she was laying in bed. It was such an exciting moment!!! She was scared and excited at the same time but I felt like it was such a step towards growing up. Just last week we were at the dentist and it was confirmed that her 1st adult teeth (6 year molars) had come through!!! And now she's lost her 1st tooth. Her 2nd one is very close. She can turn it around in circles but she says it's just not ready to come out. I sent her downstairs to play with it some more because the way it's hanging i'm scard its going to fall out while she's eating and she'll swallow it. We leave for Sunday school in 90 min and I'd love to see that tooth out before we go. 2 visits from the tooth fair in 2 days is pretty exciting. We took pictures last night but I haven't had a chance to download them yet. I will post one as soon as i do.
Monday, January 07, 2008
I've never done a link before so i'm really not sure this is the right way to do this.......
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. orShare the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list. or Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old.Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.
5 random things.....
1. I don't feel like my day has really started until I check my email, MSN, and Facebook
2. i love reading Dr. Suss books....if i'm feeling grumpy and I read one of his books to the kids I immediatly feel better
3. i have 2 cats and I can tell what they want by how they look at me or how they meow
4. i always wear slippers when i'm home
5. i really like the age nadia is at because I get to watch High School Musical and Hannah Montana and pretend it's only because she wants to watch them
I tag http://http://caitlinmary.livejournal.com/ and http://nodiggidynodoubt.blogspot.com/ but I don't know how to do with just putting in their names.....can someone teach me?????
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