Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nadia lost her 1st tooth

My 6 year old little girl finally lost her 1st tooth. she has been waiting and waiting, wondering when it would finally be her turn to get a visit from the tooth fairy. In kindergarten many of her little friends had lost teeth but not Nadia. Then this year just before Christmas she got her 1st wiggelly tooth. I never thought it would take this long to come out but just last night it finally fell out in her mouth while she was laying in bed. It was such an exciting moment!!! She was scared and excited at the same time but I felt like it was such a step towards growing up. Just last week we were at the dentist and it was confirmed that her 1st adult teeth (6 year molars) had come through!!! And now she's lost her 1st tooth. Her 2nd one is very close. She can turn it around in circles but she says it's just not ready to come out. I sent her downstairs to play with it some more because the way it's hanging i'm scard its going to fall out while she's eating and she'll swallow it. We leave for Sunday school in 90 min and I'd love to see that tooth out before we go. 2 visits from the tooth fair in 2 days is pretty exciting. We took pictures last night but I haven't had a chance to download them yet. I will post one as soon as i do.


jude said...

awh the first lost tooth!! Bless. How much does the tooth fairy give out these days?? ;)

Arbitrarily Predictable said...

Thanks for the comment left on my blog. Hope you're well . . . wow, loseing teeth . . . I can't even begin to imagine that yet. I'm still freaked out by Ayvlyn's stuffy nose and cough. Loseing teeth is one of THE grossest things to me. Steve will have to handle it. Way to be brave!