Sunday, August 28, 2011

time to blog again?

I've tried in the past to blog and have never really felt I had anything to say that would be worthwhile for other people to read. I'm not sure that has changed but I thought that i would give it a shot one more time and see how it goes.

Things have changed a lot since I last "blogged". I did end up leaving my job at Pinecone but did not go to work in the hotel industry. Instead I went in a completely different direction and went to work in a bank. I LOVE my job and I'm so glad that I went to work there. I work 2 minutes from home and I can literally look out the window of the bank and see the school where my oldest daughter attends grade 5. Wow! Did I just say grade 5??? I guess that is a whole other topic :)

One other thing that has changed in my life is that I'm actually taking care of myself. I'm running, something I wasn't sure I would ever be able to do successfully, but then again what makes a person a successful runner? I run with my sister in law a few times per week. We began with a program called Couch to 5k. It was fantastic, just what we needed to get us started. I remember in the beginning thinking I would never be able to run for 30 minutes straight which was the end goal of the program; but guess what? We did it! We can now run a 5k in 30 min and we will be doing our 1st organized run this fall.

That brings me to the point of blogging again. As I am beginning to take care of myself more I thought that this fall it might be beneficial to do one of those 21 day cleanse diets. Not a diet to lose weight but just to rid my body of all the toxins that add up over a life time of eating junk. I have picked a date to start this "cleanse" yet and I'm thinking that instead of following a program I may pick and chose aspects and recipes from all different detox and cleanse diets. When i start i will plan to blog daily about what I ate and how I felt at the end of each day. I'm already nervous about how i will feel giving up coffee for 21 days.....i actually shudder when I think about it right now. So why do I plan to blog about this? It's more for me then for anyone else. I'm hoping that by writing it all down it will help me stick to it and maybe just maybe there will be people out there who find it interesting to read as well.

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