Thursday, October 26, 2006

A great week!

Do you ever think about something that you're scared that as soon as the words come out of your mouth you'll totally jinx it? That's how I feel as i sit down to type this post. I'm actually scared that if I write these words everything will fall apart. But I'm going to do goes. This has been a great week!!! The girls have gotten along really well. The screaming in this house has really been limited to normal things that little girls scream about. More then that, I've felt really great. Really happy. I haven't had one down day this week and that is momumentous for me!! It's funny how a person't mood can really change how things effect them. Like this week I actually feel like a good mom! It's pretty great!

Tonight we are taking the girls to Boo at the Zoo in Moncton. Livy is pretty much scared of everything right now so it could be interesting how she'll react. Nadia on the other hand is at the age where she understands the difference between read things and fake things so she's like "bring on the scary stuff". She's already told me that daddy should take her to see the scary paths and that i should stay with livy and do the not scary ones. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

jude said...

Hi Tracy, glad to see you had a great week! I hear you on the screaming department. Somedays it can really get to you! Hope next week is just as great! :) Love the pic of your girls! I don't think I've seen a pic of Olivia since she was a baby!