Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, I now have 3 workouts under my belt at curves. I'm still not certain howI feel about it. I like getting out of the house by myself and I like that everyone there seems to be very welcoming but what I don't like is how regulated it is. It is 30 min 3 times a week and that is it. You are not to go 4 times a week you are not to do more then 30 min. I just don't feel that30 min is enough for me. I talked to one of the workers and she agreed that I seem to need a bit more and says that it is because I am already in such great shape. To get 30 min you go around the circut 2.5 times she said she thought it would probably be ok for me to 3 times around starting next week. We'll see how that goes. She also said some of the other staff may not agree with that idea. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm going and i will miss it when the month ends but now I have a whole new dilema. There is a bathsuit that I really like in the Spring/Summer 2007 sears catelog, but it's expensive. So now i may have to make the choice between continuing at curves or buying the bathing suit. My EI runs out mid February and then i will depend on babysitting money so doing both is not really a choice.

On the babysitting front. Last week was my 1st week with Scotia (yes that is her name). She did great! This was the 1st time she has ever been left with a non family member and her mom was really worried but she adjusted really well. There were no tears, in fact she did cry when her mom tried to take her home the 2nd day she was here.

Today is Friday and I have a little break, both Vanessa and Scotia are not here today so it will be just Livy and i until Nadia gets home from school. This has been a great week and i'm really glad to have it end this way.

Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

it's on page 137. The black on in the large picture.

Did your friend just return hers?