Thursday, September 27, 2007

sisters at war

Are my 2 girls the only 2 that seem to fight all the time? Really it is more Nadia at fault then Liv. Liv just wants to be with Nadia and be loved and accepted by her but lately Nadia has been downright nasty to her little sister and it is really making me sad. I keep telling her that she will only ever have1 sister and that she will be her sister for life but nothing I say seems to work. She has her good moments but it's usually only when it's convenient for her, but most of the time she is awful to her. Any advice?

At days end tomorrow I will have finished my1st week looking after my nephew. He is 10 months old and a lot of work. I'm very much out of practice having a baby in the house. I'll keep you updated on how this new experience goes for me.

Well Jude, it appears you may well be the only one left reading my blog but I will keep updating. As for me enjoying my extra time. I don't forsee any extra time in the near future with my nephew here everyday, but I do try to sneek in some time to read a good book every now and then.

Until next time,


jude said...

My advice is don't allow it. You can give time-outs, take away privilegs, lovies, whatever it will take to get the point across to her that you do not tollerate her being mean to her sister. Make her appoligize to her sister afterwards. I usually give a time out, Lexi hates that at this age, then I talk with her about it afterwards, and explain to her that in this house we are not mean to one another. Be firm. I always make it a point to tell my girls that it is the behaviour mummy does not like, but I still love them. Sometimes I worry they understand that concept yet. I deal with this too, but due to the closeness in age the mostly get along. There are times when I catch Lexi taking advantage of her sister, becouse Leah will do anything to keep Lexi happy. I noticed this just recently, and then had to step in and make sure that Lexi didn't lay claim Leah's stuff. (her new b-day pressies) (((hugs))) Always here if you need to chat. Blog more and people will come! ;)

jude said...

ok, time for an update!!! ;)