Sunday, October 14, 2007

Moving again???

After only living in our current home for 6 months it seems we may be moving again. When we moved here we had a 2 year plan. Live in this house and pay off debt for 2 years so that at the end of that time we could afford the house we would want to stay in for the duration of our childrens childhood. However, it seems that may be happening 18 months sooner then originally planned. It all started because there was a brand new house build on the street where my borther lives for a realitivly cheap price so I wanted to see it. When we were there we realized why it was cheap...we didn't like it at all. however our real estate agent said while you're here I can take you to a house around the corner that is just being listed tonight. he told us who build it and it was built by the people I've always wanted to build my dream home. We went to see it and we really liked it. We went back several times and endedup deciding to make a conditional offer which they accepted. So this weekend we have been cleaning, painting, decluttering, etc, etc, etc. to get this house ready to list. Our agent called yesterday to say that hewants to show it today and the sign isn't even up. I'm not getting my hopes up that things will go as smoothly as it did last time. As much as I would love to have the house I know these people will be building again so it's not the end of the world. I'm trying not to stress myself out too much.

As for how things are going looking after my nephew...last week was not good. He wasn't feeling well and therefore he cried and cried and screamed and screamed. I found it very diffiuclt. Having a baby to look after changes the whoe dynamic of the house because I have to do things on his schedual not my own.

Anyway, I have lots of cleaning to do this morning...keep your fingers crossed for us :)

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