Friday, September 30, 2011

1st funeral

This week my grandfather passed away. He lived a long healthy life (he was 94). In all reality he lived the kind of life that most people dream of living. He was married to the same women for over 60 years, worked at the same job for 25 years, a job he loved and retired from. He spent most days of his life doing what he loved. I often wish I really had his genes (my mom was adopted), as I can only hope and pray that my health stays with me as long as his stayed with him.

My grandfather was a great example of a gentlemen and at the funeral that was one of the most common words people used to describe him. Anther common word was "great friend". Even at the age he was when he passed, he manged to have a room filled with people come to bid him farewell. He had many friends and was involved in many things even up until the end of his life.

We took the girls to his funeral. This was a 1st for them. I prepared them a lot before we went, as much as I could. Nadia had a hard time. It kind of shocked me since she wasn't all that close to my grandfather, but I tend to think that it wouldn't have mattered whose funeral we were at. I think it was just the sadness in the room. It broke my heart to see her sobbing, but we made it through.

Friday, September 09, 2011

setting goals and reaching them

In May when Cathy and I decided to start running I set a goal of loosing 10 lbs. It took all summer long but I finally lost the last 2 lbs to completing my goal yesterday! As much as I am very proud of myself for sticking to something and having it pay off it has led me to thinking a lot about body image. I have to wonder if there will ever be a point that I am happy with how my body looks. Will there ever be a # on the scale that I can look at and say, "that's it, that's enough"? It just seems there is always something that I think could look better. It's not even that I think I need to lose weight because I know I'm not big. It's more toning and building muscle. It can be difficult being a "skinny" person and talking about body image. People look at you and think that because you aren't over weight you shouldn't have any issues. If only that were how it really was.

I'm big on telling Nadia and Livy that mommy runs to be healthy. I want to be here for them for as many years as I can be so i feel it's important to look after myself as much as I can. But, I don't ever want them to think that they have to "look" certain way to be healthy. I don't want them at 31 years old to still be worrying about how they look.

I can say that at 31 years old.....i feel the best I've ever felt in my whole life. And for now that is the best goal I could ever attain.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


I can't believe we are into September already. Is it just me or is there something just a little bit sad about September. I'm not sure if it's the ending of summer or knowing that winter is just around the corner or if it's the starting of school and the hectic morning's (and evenings) that come with that; but for me it's sad. I love the long days of summer and the slower pace that the days seem to take on. September brings early mornings and evenings are filled with homework and then rushing the kids to bed. I have never been one of those parents that looks forward to back to school and I don't think I ever will be.