Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It takes a village to raise a child

Has anyone else noticed that these days moms try to do it all on their own? It hit me hard last week how much things have changed over the years when it comes to raising children. I remember when I was little my mother was constantly out visiting her friends (other moms) for coffee and chat time while us kids would all play together. Obviously my mom stayed home with us so this was possible, i'm not talking about working moms. Anyway, i'm kind of rambeling here...last week 2 friends and I got together...we are all moms and we all babysit so bewteen the 3 of us there were 11 children there. We had the best day ever! We spent hours outside with the kids and hours inside while the kids played and us mom's talked. We all helped each other with the kids. No one got stressed out, nobody got yelled at, it was great. Since then we've been getting together almost daily. It's great having extra hands when Carson is cranky and it's great having kids for Livy to play with. I come home at the end of the day feeling good and happy. It has just got me thinking of when i was little and my mom would do the same thing. I really think it's why so many moms are "pulling their hair out" these days. It really does take a village to raise a child and when you try to do it all alone it just doesn't work.


1 comment:

jude said...

that's wonderful Tracy, just what you needed!