Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Well as of today our house is sold...it's supposed to be offical tonight I think. I can't believe how smooth this went. This is the second time we've sold a house without even a sign in the yard! Wish us luck that the move goes so smoothly! We'll be moving some time around November 19th which is great because it will give us time to get settled in before Christmas.

Nadia is having a friend over today after school. I'm happy that she brings friends here but I'm always worried about how things will go with Livy. I know that Nadia needs her own time with her friends but it just seems so unfair to Livy to be left out. I told Nadia that today she would get some time on her own with her friend but for the hour that Carson sleeps she will have to play with Livy in the play room or outside. It would be nice if Livy had some friends too and then she could just play with someone too.

Well that's all i have time for right now...

1 comment:

jude said...

is it fair to say i'm jealous? LOL Lucky you, congrats and GL with the house moving! You will be in a gorgeous spot for Christmas!