Sunday, January 28, 2007

House Hunting

We are officially house hunting. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. Let me first tell you why i'm excited. We bought the house we are currently living in when I was 8 months pregnant for Nadia. We really needed a house and didn't hav the luxury of taking our time. This house was a major deal and Rob just felt we couldn't pass it up. We had looked at it together once and I wasn't convined it was for us. It needed a lot of work and it was small. The next day I went to work and the real estate agent called Rob and told him that the family really needed to sell and would pretty much take ANY offer so she suggested taht Rob really low ball and offer and go from there to at least getsome negotiations started. So he did...remember, i was at work so I wasn't informed of this decision. Anyway, the people surprised even the agent and they accepted our offer. So we knew this house was not a long term thing. We made the decision to stay for 5 years and then move to what would be the house we want to live the rest of our lives in. 5 years was last September andwe are still in this house. The reason being we went and bought a 25 000 trailer last year and Rob felt we should pay 2 years on it before approaching the bank for a mortgage. Fast forward to now. We saw a house on the market that we just had to go see. It seemed to have almost everything we were looking for and even Rob agreed that we should go see it. So we did. We both like the house but now that we've seen that one we ant to see a few more before making any decisions. We are going to look at a few more next weekend that I'm even more excited to see because they are newer. One is only 1 year old and another is only 5 years old whereas the one we say yesterday is 19 years old. I am way past ready to be out of this house. I can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives in a new home, in what really would be our dream home.

Now, on to why i'm terrified. Remember that trailer I mentioned...well we don'teven have a full year of payments under our belt yet so we may not even get approved for a mortgage and that scares me. I would HATE to fall in love with a house only to be told we can't afford it. So Rob is going to go meet with the bank this Friday so we know before we start looking to much more. Also the houses we are looking at are not where we currently live. They are in communities 20 and 30 mins from here. That would mean a new school for nadia. It would also mean that I wouldn't have the family resource center every morning like I do now and I have a large community of friends here that took me a long time to find. So it would be out of my comfort zone to leave this. I thought I had made up my mind to stay in Sussex, but now I seem to have buttlerflies in my stomach about the thought of leaving. You know that feeling you get when you meet someone for the 1st time and there is that chemisty between you that makes you feel all silly inside. That' s how i feel.

I'll be sure to keep you updated as we go through this journy. Any words of wisdom would be apprciated.

If you're interested check out and look at numbers 265180, 270152 and 265847


jude said...

oh how exciting Tracy!! I hope everything works out and you can get a morgage. Have fun house hunting!! Do keep us updated. :) I don't really have any other words of wisdom, cept to not take on more than you can handle, morgage wise. A little lesson my husband and I are learning. Which house on mls was it you liked the most?

Tracy said...

i really can't say for sure which I like best yet as we've only actually gone to look at the 4 level split. I'll let you know after we look at the others on Saturday, however, I think I like the one with the detached garage.